Women Holding Head Sitting In front of Window

Social Media & Domestic Violence Explained

As social media has developed over the past decade, its benefits and consequences seem to become ever so transparent, especially when it comes to domestic violence cases. In this new decade, it is easy to have your social information misconstrued or used against you.

The Good and The Bad: The Role Social Media Plays in Domestic Violence Cases

The Good: It is easier now more than ever to have complete documentation of conversations so you can best protect yourself from being wrongly accused. Instead of someone using a snippet or an incomplete part of a conversation to potentially use against you, social media can help keep a full conversation saved from beginning to end, including all of the facts. It is important to save all communication so that you are prepared to fight back in case you’re accused of domestic violence.

The Bad: As we mentioned above, the double-edged sword of the internet is that everything is continuously documented. You should be careful of what you post on social media and in any digitally recorded conversation. Try not to make any comment that may negatively impact you in a legal setting. Empty threats or even jokes can potentially be used against you in a court of law. The moral of the story is to think before you post.

Reasons Someone May Falsely Accuse You

If you are being falsely accused of domestic violence or a similar issue, you may want to look into the individual's motives. On the one hand, they might be trying to get even for an argument that may have taken place, or maybe they are seeking to end the relationship. Another reason that someone may falsely accuse you of domestic violence is to game the system. An individual may seek to separate you from your child, limit your time with your child, or gain financial benefits. If you do find out your accuser’s motive, we recommend you contact a lawyer and discuss your potential case.

If you or someone you know has been accused of domestic violence, we’re here to help answer your questions. Lokken & Putnam, P.C. may be able to help. Please contact us at (801) 829-9783.
