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Understanding the Options and Risks of Misdemeanor Plea Bargains


In Utah, a misdemeanor charge sits between infractions and felonies, carrying more weight than a minor infraction but less severity than a felony offense. Misdemeanors are categorized into Class A, B, and C, with Class A offenses bearing the most severe penalties. For instance, a Class A misdemeanor can result in up to 364 days of incarceration. In contrast, a Class C misdemeanor is punishable by not more than 90 days of confinement.

When individuals face misdemeanor charges, the prospect of a trial can be daunting. Defendants may explore plea bargains as an alternative resolution to avoid a trial's uncertainty and potential harshness. A plea bargain is a negotiated agreement between the prosecution and defense, wherein the defendant agrees to plead guilty to charges in exchange for certain concessions from the prosecutor. These concessions could include reduced charges, a lighter sentence, or other favorable terms.

Understanding the options and risks associated with plea bargains is paramount for defendants. While the prospect of resolving the case without a trial can be appealing, it's essential to recognize the potential ramifications of accepting a plea deal. Although a plea bargain may alleviate the stress and burden of a trial, it can also have long-term consequences for the defendant, including a criminal record and limitations on future opportunities.

At Lokken & Putnam, P.C., we understand the complexities of misdemeanor cases and the importance of informed decision-making. Those facing charges in Salt Lake City can contact us at (801) 829-9783 to discuss their cases.

Types and Implications of Misdemeanor Plea Bargains

Plea bargains offer defendants an alternative avenue for resolution, often providing a means to mitigate potential consequences. Two common misdemeanor plea bargains are charge reduction and sentence reduction, each with distinct implications and considerations.

Charge Reduction

In a charge reduction plea bargain, the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge. At the same time, the prosecution dismisses more severe charges. This negotiation allows the defendant to avoid the potential repercussions of a conviction on the original, more severe charge.

Charge reduction plea bargains can offer several benefits, including avoiding harsh penalties associated with more serious charges and a quicker resolution. However, accepting a plea deal of this nature requires careful consideration, as it typically involves admitting guilt to a criminal offense, albeit of lesser severity.

Sentence Reduction

Unlike charge reduction plea bargains, which involve pleading guilty to a different offense, sentence reduction plea bargains entail the defendant pleading guilty to the charges filed by the prosecution. However, in exchange for the guilty plea, the prosecutor agrees to pursue a more lenient sentence than they might otherwise seek.

The potential outcomes of a sentence reduction plea bargain vary depending on the jurisdiction and the case's specifics. Defendants may receive reduced jail time, probation instead of incarceration, or alternative sentencing. Sentence reduction plea bargains may not be permitted in certain jurisdictions or for certain offenses.

Risks in Misdemeanor Plea Bargains

Plea bargains are a standard mechanism for resolving legal matters outside the trial process. While they can offer certain advantages, they also carry risks and implications for defendants.

The possible drawbacks of a plea bargain include the following:

  • Waiver of trial rights
  • Potential for harsher penalties in future cases
  • Collateral consequences
  • Limited opportunity for appeal

Factors to Consider Before Accepting a Plea Bargain

Before accepting a plea bargain in a misdemeanor case, defendants must carefully weigh several crucial factors. These considerations determine whether a plea bargain is in the defendant's best interest and aligns with their legal objectives.

Strength of the Prosecution’s Case

Defendants should consider factors such as the quality of evidence, credibility of witnesses, and potential legal arguments that could be raised in their defense. Evaluating the strength of the prosecution's case can help defendants gauge their likelihood of success at trial and inform their decision-making process regarding plea negotiations.

Potential Conviction Consequences

In addition to the immediate penalties imposed by the court, such as fines, probation, or jail time, defendants must consider the long-term repercussions of a criminal record. A misdemeanor conviction can have far-reaching effects on employment opportunities, professional licensing, housing eligibility, and other aspects of the defendant's life.

Individual Circumstances and Goals

The defendant's personal and professional responsibilities, family situation, and immigration status may influence their decision-making process. Additionally, defendants should reflect on their long-term objectives and how a plea bargain aligns with their broader legal and life goals.

Legal Counsel’s Advice

Defense attorneys can provide invaluable insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the case, potential negotiation strategies, and the outcomes of accepting or rejecting a plea offer. Legal counsel can also help defendants navigate the complexities of the justice system, protect their rights, and advocate for their best interests throughout negotiations.

If you face misdemeanor charges in Salt Lake City, contact Lokken & Putnam, P.C. at (801) 829-9783 to schedule a meeting.
