What Elevates a DUI to a Felony in Utah?

Utah's DUI laws are clear and stringent. Operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.05 or more or under the influence of alcohol or drugs constitutes a DUI offense. Generally, a DUI is a misdemeanor. Still, in some cases, it can be a felony.

Understanding the factors that can elevate a DUI to a felony is paramount. Felony DUI charges carry more severe sentences, and individuals facing such allegations must grasp their situation's intricacies. This understanding is critical to preparing a solid defense strategy to fight the charges and potentially mitigate the penalties.

Facing felony DUI charges is serious, and seeking legal representation is essential. A defense lawyer is pivotal in developing a robust legal strategy tailored to the case's specifics. Their insights can be instrumental in seeking a favorable outcome through challenging evidence, negotiating plea deals, or exploring alternative sentencing options.

For those in Salt Lake City, Lokken & Putnam, P.C. stands ready to provide legal representation in DUI cases. Contact us at (801) 829-9783 for a consultation.

When Is a DUI a Misdemeanor?

First-time DUI offenders in Utah typically face misdemeanor charges. It's crucial to recognize the distinction between misdemeanor and felony DUI offenses, as the severity of the charges can significantly impact the legal strategy and consequences.

Absent aggravating factors, a first-time DUI offense is a Class B misdemeanor. This level of offense carries specific penalties (no more than six months in jail and/or up to $1,000 in fines). Still, the sanctions are comparatively less severe than those associated with felony charges.

The DUI charge escalates to a Class A misdemeanor if aggravating factors are present.

These aggravating factors include:

  • Having a child in the vehicle while driving under the influence
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Having one previous DUI conviction within 10 years of the current offense

While many DUI offenses in Utah are misdemeanors, some situations can lead to felony charges. Let’s explore those situations more below.

What Leads to Felony Charges?

Driving under the influence offenses can take a serious turn when certain conditions are met, elevating them to third-degree felony status. Understanding the criteria for these felony charges, primarily based on repeat offenses, is crucial for individuals facing DUI allegations.

Definition of Repeat Offenses

Repeat offenses are instances where an individual faces multiple DUI charges over time. This pattern of behavior triggers more severe consequences.

Escalation of Charges with Multiple DUI Convictions

Felony DUI charges can be triggered when a person has two or more prior DUI convictions within 10 years of the current offense.

Additionally, the current offense may lead to felony DUI charges if it occurred at any time after:

  • A prior conviction for negligently operating a vehicle resulting in death (even if the charge was reduced)
  • A felony DUI
  • A felony of negligently operating a vehicle resulting in injury
  • A felony for refusing a chemical test

What Are the Potential Penalties for a Felony DUI?

Facing a felony DUI charge in Utah carries significant legal penalties and long-term implications.

Legal Penalties

Offenders may face imprisonment for up to 5 years, imposing a serious restriction on personal freedom. Additionally, the financial burden is considerable, with fines of up to $5,000.

These penalties underscore the gravity of felony DUI charges and emphasize the need for a robust defense strategy to mitigate the potential impact on the individual's life.

Long-Term Implications

The repercussions of a felony DUI extend beyond immediate legal consequences, leaving a lasting imprint on the individual's record.

A felony conviction can profoundly affect the following:

  • Employment opportunities
  • Housing prospects
  • Overall quality of life

Background checks by potential employers or landlords may reveal the felony conviction, posing challenges for the individual in building a stable future.

Legal Avenues Against Felony DUI Charges

Developing a solid defense strategy begins with understanding avenues to explore.

Several defenses can be employed to challenge felony DUI charges, including the following:

  • Questioning the legality of the traffic stop
  • Disputing the accuracy of field sobriety tests or breathalyzer results
  • Scrutinizing the handling of evidence

The Importance of Legal Representation in Developing Defenses

A defense attorney experienced in DUI cases can assess the details of the situation, identify potential defenses, and navigate the legal process effectively. Their knowledge of Utah's DUI laws, courtroom procedures, and legal precedents is invaluable in building a compelling defense. A lawyer can provide individuals with a clear understanding of their rights and explore every avenue for defense.

Contact Lokken & Putnam, P.C. at (801) 829-9783 to schedule a meeting and learn about fighting your charges in Salt Lake City.
