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Utah’s Mandatory Arrest Laws and What You Need to Know

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When it comes to domestic violence in Utah, the odds are already against you if you’ve been accused. Unlike many other crimes, domestic violence crimes are seen as “guilty until proven innocent.”

Unfortunately, when the police are called to investigate domestic violence incidents, arrests are almost always made, due to Utah’s mandatory arrest laws. Yes, that means that innocent people can be arrested in situations where false allegations were made against them.

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When Can Police Make Arrests?

Based on Supreme Court statements, the events in which an officer can make an arrest include when:

  • The officer witnessed a crime first-hand
  • The officer has probable cause to believe the suspect committed the crime
  • The officer was given an arrest warrant from a judge

Based on a recent study, nearly half of all states in America have mandatory arrest laws in regards to domestic violence cases. While there’s no arguing that domestic violence crimes are serious, mandatory arrest laws create a playing field where officers can arrest innocent individuals at their own discretion.

Police officers often make domestic violence arrests quickly to protect the “victims” which can lead to a lifetime of problems for the accused party, even if they’re innocent.

Get the Help You Need

While there are countless situations where innocent people are arrested for crimes they didn’t commit, there are also ways to fight the unlawful charges given. The first step in successfully fighting your charges begins with working with an experienced Utah domestic violence defense attorney, like our team here at Lokken & Putnam.

For countless years, our team of compassionate attorneys has been helping individuals who have been arrested for domestic violence fight their charges and return to their best lives possible.

We’re here to help answer any questions you may have. Call us today (801) 829-9783 to learn more about how our team can help you protect your future.
